Running Docker Container Options

Running the Bonder as a Docker Container Options

The following are some options you can consider when running the bonder client.

Running as daemon

Use the --detach docker flag to run container as daemon.

docker run --detach -v ~/.hop:/root hopprotocol/hop-node:mainnet

Note: If you're keystore requires a passphrase and you're not using a password file, you'll need to pass the passpharse via the KEYSTORE_PASS environment variable.

export KEYSTORE_PASS=mysecretpassword
docker run --detach -e KEYSTORE_PASS=$KEYSTORE_PASS -v ~/.hop:/root/.hop hopprotocol/hop-node:mainnet

Docker Compose

Docker compose example for Hop Node: docker-compose.yml

version: '3.9'

    image: hopprotocol/hop:mainnet
      - docker.env
    restart: unless-stopped
        - /home/ubuntu/.hop:/root/.hop

Start docker container:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up bonder

Start docker container as daemon:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up --detach bonder

Stopping docker container

docker stop hop-node
docker rm hop-node

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