RPC Endpoints
List of RPC endpoint URLs
These are public RPC URLs available on each network.
It's important to note that public RPC URLs generally have rate limits, so they may not be reliable 100% of the time.
For the Hop Node, it is highly recommmend to use custom RPC endpoints from an RPC provider service such as Infura or Alchemy.
Check out https://chainlist.org/ as an easy way to connect wallet and add network to your wallet.
Note: the Infura project ID in the examples below is the default that ethersjs uses.
Chain ID: 1
Chain ID: 137
Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai)
Chain ID: 100
Chain ID: 10
Using an Alchemy RPC url is recommended instead of the public url. Set up here.
Chain ID: 42161
Using an Alchemy RPC url is recommended instead of the public url. Set up here.
Chain ID: 42170
Using an Alchemy RPC url is recommended instead of the public url. Set up here.
Chain ID: 8453
Using an Alchemy RPC url is recommended instead of the public url. Set up here.
Chain ID: 59144
Using an Infura RPC url is recommended instead of the public url. Set up here.
Ethereum (Goerli)
Chain ID: 5
Polygon (Mumbai)
Chain ID: 80001
Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai) Goerli
Gnosis Chain is not supported on Goerli
Optimism (Goerli)
Base (Goerli)
Linea (Goerli)
Chain ID: 59140
Last updated