API Endpoints

API examples

This API is a simple wrapper around the SDK offered for convenience on getting estimated bonder fee and transfer status.

Although this API is offered as a free service, it's recommended to host your own API server (see docs here) to not have any rate limit restrictions.


GET /v1/quote

Get estimated bonder fee to use for transfers

Input query parameters:

Chain options are: ethereum, optimism, arbitrum, polygon, gnosis, nova, base

Example request

curl "https://api.hop.exchange/v1/quote?amount=1000000&token=USDC&fromChain=optimism&toChain=arbitrum&slippage=0.5"

Example response

  "amountIn": "1000000",
  "slippage": 0.5,
  "amountOutMin": "743633",
  "destinationAmountOutMin": "742915",
  "bonderFee": "250515",
  "estimatedRecieved": "747908",
  "deadline": 1679862208,
  "destinationDeadline": 1679862208

Output response:

GET /v1/transfer-status

Get transfer status for tx

Input query parameters:

* Must use at lease one option, either transactionHash or transferId.

Example request

curl "https://api.hop.exchange/v1/transfer-status?transactionHash=0xbe6953dac8149e3f4d3a5719445170fb9835c461a980cbdaf9ad5cce10c9d27c"

Example response

  "transferId": "0x5a15b2abd4d0f2e5d0ea3d5fc93758374b14940096487d70f7c95b5393fc9c89",
  "transactionHash": "0xbe6953dac8149e3f4d3a5719445170fb9835c461a980cbdaf9ad5cce10c9d27c",
  "sourceChainId": 10,
  "sourceChainSlug": "optimism",
  "destinationChainId": 42161,
  "destinationChainSlug": "arbitrum",
  "accountAddress": "0xd813a52b1158fc08f69ba52ca72ca4360e255ba3",
  "amount": "2996498",
  "amountFormatted": 2.996498,
  "amountUsd": 3.004011668430896,
  "amountOutMin": "2503144",
  "deadline": 1662159408,
  "recipientAddress": "0xd813a52b1158fc08f69ba52ca72ca4360e255ba3",
  "bonderFee": "479123",
  "bonderFeeFormatted": 0.479123,
  "bonderFeeUsd": 0.4803243928791597,
  "bonded": true,
  "bondTransactionHash": "0x659225113a0711d73bd576d2edb916b1031d4fb3e422a08ee8e0f863c4fb5af7",
  "bonderAddress": "0xa6a688f107851131f0e1dce493ebbebfaf99203e",
  "token": "USDC",
  "timestamp": 1661554612

Output response:

GET /v1/available-routes

Get available routes

Input query parameters:

Example request

curl "https://api.hop.exchange/v1/available-routes"

Example response

    "token": "USDC",
    "sourceChain": "ethereum",
    "sourceChainId": 1,
    "destinationChain": "optimism",
    "destinationChainId": 100
    "token": "ETH",
    "sourceChain": "base",
    "sourceChainId": 8453,
    "destinationChain": "arbitrum",
    "destinationChainId": 42161

Output response:

Using custom RPC providers

You can set query parameter to specify what RPC url to use for a chain.

By default, public RPC urls are used, which are subject to rate limits. You can get better performance by specifying your own custom provider instead.

Input query parameters:

Example request

curl -g "https://api.hop.exchange/v1/quote?amount=1000000&token=USDC&fromChain=polygon&toChain=optimism&slippage=0.5&rpcUrl[polygon]=https://polygon-rpc.com&rpcUrl[gnosis]=https://mainnet.optimism.io"

Source code

The API server source code is available on github.

Additional endpoints

If you're looking for a complete API to compose bridge transfer transactions, checking approvals, and more; check out this self hosted server example on github.

Last updated