Subgraph Entities
Description: Event when a bonder is whitelisted
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
newBonder | String! | New bonder address |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when a bonder is removed from whitelist
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
previousBonder | String! | Removed bonder address |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when a challenge is resolved
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
transferRootId | Bytes! | Transfer root ID |
rootHash | Bytes! | Transfer root hash |
originalAmount | BigInt! | Transfer root original amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when multiple bonded withdrawals are settled
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
bonder | String! | Bonder address |
rootHash | Bytes! | Transfer root hash |
totalBondsSettled | BigInt! | Total bonds settled amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when bonder stakes on bridge
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
account | String! | Bonder account address |
amount | BigInt! | Staked amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when bonded transfer root is challenged
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
transferRootId | Bytes! | Transfer root ID |
rootHash | Bytes! | Transfer root hash |
originalAmount | BigInt! | Transfer root original amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: event when transfer root is bonded
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
root | Bytes! | Transfer root hash |
amount | BigInt! | Transfer root amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: event when transfer root is confirmed on L1
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
originChainId | BigInt! | Origin chain ID |
destinationChainId | BigInt! | Destination chain ID |
rootHash | Bytes! | Transfer root hash |
totalAmount | BigInt! | Transfer root total amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when transfer root is set at the destination chain
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
rootHash | Bytes! | Transfer root hash |
totalAmount | BigInt! | Transfer root total amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when transfer is sent L1->L2
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
destinationChainId | BigInt! | Destination chain ID |
recipient | String! | Recipient address |
amount | BigInt! | Amount |
amountOutMin | BigInt! | Minimum amount out |
deadline | BigInt! | Deadline timestamp |
relayer | String! | Relayer address |
relayerFee | BigInt! | Relayer fee amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
logIndex | BigInt! | Transaction log index |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when bonder unstakes on bridge
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
account | String! | Bonder account address |
amount | BigInt! | Unstaked amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when single bonded withdrawal is settled
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
bonder | String! | Bonder address |
transferId | Bytes! | Transfer ID |
rootHash | Bytes! | Transfer root hash |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when transfer is bonded at the destination
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
transferId | Bytes! | Transfer ID |
amount | BigInt! | Amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when transfer is withdrawn at the destination
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
transferId | Bytes! | Transfer ID |
recipient | String! | Recipient address |
amount | BigInt! | Amount |
transferNonce | Bytes! | Transfer nonce |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
from | String! | From address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Event when transfer is sent L2->L1 or L2->L2
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
from | String! | From address |
to | String! | To address |
value | BigInt! | Transfer amount |
block | Block! | Block entity |
transaction | Transaction! | Transaction entity |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
transactionHash | String! | Transaction hash |
transactionIndex | BigInt! | Transaction index |
timestamp | BigInt! | Transaction timestamp |
blockNumber | BigInt! | Transaction block number |
contractAddress | String! | Contract address |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Total value locked
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
amount | BigInt! | TVL total amount |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Cumulative volume
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
amount | BigInt! | Cumulative volume total amount |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Daily volume
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Entity ID |
amount | BigInt! | Daily volume amount |
date | Int! | Date unix timestamp |
tokenEntity | Token! | Bridge token asset entity |
token | String! | Bridge token asset symbol |
Description: Block entity
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Block hash |
author | Bytes! | Block author |
difficulty | BigInt! | Block difficulty |
gasLimit | BigInt! | Block gas limit |
gasUsed | BigInt! | Block gas used |
hash | Bytes! | Block hash |
number | BigInt! | Block number |
parentHash | Bytes! | Block parent hash |
receiptsRoot | Bytes! | Block receipts root |
size | BigInt | Block size |
stateRoot | Bytes! | Block state root |
timestamp | BigInt! | Block timestamp |
totalDifficulty | BigInt! | Block total difficulty |
transactionsRoot | Bytes! | Block transactions root |
unclesHash | Bytes! | Block uncles hash |
Description: Transaction entity
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Transaction hash |
from | Bytes! | Transaction from address |
gasLimit | BigInt! | Transaction gas limit |
gasPrice | BigInt! | Transaction gas price |
hash | Bytes! | Transaction hash |
index | BigInt! | Transaction index |
input | Bytes! | Transaction input |
to | Bytes | Transaction to address |
value | BigInt! | Transaction value |
Description: Token entity
Field | Type | Description |
id | ID! | Token address |
address | Bytes! | Token address |
decimals | Int! | Token decimals |
name | String! | Token name |
symbol | String! | Token symbol |
Last updated