Import as ES6 module (e.g. Using TypeScript, babel, webpack):
import { Hop } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
Import as commonJS module (e.g. Using Node.js directly or no ES6 modules):
const { Hop } = require('@hop-protocol/sdk')
Instantiate SDK
import { Hop } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
Supported networks are mainnet and goerli, however the assets and chains available on goerli is limitted.
Instantiate with ethers Signer for sending transactions:
import { Hop } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
import { Wallet, providers } from 'ethers'
const provider = new providers.getDefaultProvider('mainnet')
const signer = new Wallet(privateKey, provider)
const hop = new Hop('mainnet', signer)
Example: Using window web3 provider as signer:
import { Hop } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
import { Wallet } from 'ethers'
const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(window.ethereum, 'any')
const signer = provider.getSigner()
const hop = new Hop('mainnet', signer)
SDK with Node.js
Basic example that instantiates sdk with signer
const { Hop } = require('@hop-protocol/sdk')
const { Wallet, providers } = require('ethers')
const privateKey = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY
const provider = new providers.getDefaultProvider('mainnet')
const signer = new Wallet(privateKey, provider)
const hop = new Hop('mainnet', signer)
The SDK accepts amounts as inputs as big number and most SDK methods return outputs as big numbers, so it's important to know how to convert to and from big numbers.
Note: when sending (or generally dealing with amounts in sdk), use values in big number format, e.g. 1 ETH = "1000000000000000000"
Send L1->L2
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// send 100 USDC tokens from Ethereum -> Polygon
const tx = await bridge.send('100000000', Chain.Ethereum, Chain.Polygon)
Note: there is no bonder fee when sending L1->L2 because transfers go through the native messaging bridge and don't require bonding.
Send L2->L1
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// send 100 USDC tokens from Polygon -> Ethereum
const tx = await bridge.send('100000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Ethereum)
Note: a bonder fee is required when sending L2->L1. It'll calculate it the bonder fee if don't is not explicitly specified. See specifying a custom fee for more info.
Send L2->L2
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// send 100 USDC tokens from Polygon -> Gnosis
const tx = await bridge.send('100000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
Note: a bonder fee is required when sending L2->L2. It'll calculate it the bonder fee if don't is not explicitly specified. See specifying a custom fee for more info.
Send ETH
Sending ETH is the same as sending any other ERC-20. The sdk handles inputting the tx value based on input amount.
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('ETH')
// send 1 ETH from Polygon -> Gnosis
const tx = await bridge.send('1000000000000000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
Get send calldata only
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// get tx calldata for sending 100 USDC tokens from Polygon -> Gnosis
const tx = await bridge.populateSendTx('100000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
console.log(tx) // { data: '0xdeace8f5000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000a0000000000000000000000002a6303e6b99d451df3566068ebb110708335658f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000f42400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006227bdad00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000', to: '0x3666f603Cc164936C1b87e207F36BEBa4AC5f18a' }
Using BigNumber as amount input
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
import { parseUnits } from 'ethers/lib/utils'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// send 100 USDC tokens from Ethereum -> Polygon
const decimals = 6
const amount = parseUnits('100', decimals)
const tx = await bridge.send(amount, Chain.Ethereum, Chain.Polygon)
Specifying custom bonder fee
By default, the sdk will use the recommended bonder fee if one is not specified. You can set a custom bonder fee in the bonderFee field. See getSendData(...) for more info on the fee breakdown.
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// send 100 USDC tokens from Polygon -> Gnosis
const tx = await bridge.send('100000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis, {
recipient: '0x123...'
Specifying custom min amount out
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// send 100 USDC tokens from Polygon -> Gnosis
const tx = await bridge.send('100000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis, {
amountOutMin: '99863953' // must take account fee and slippage
Note: The amountOutMin will be 0 if one is not specified. You can use the result from getSendData(...) to calculate the estimated amountOutMin value.
Note: Do not set destinationAmountOutMin and destinationDeadline when sending to L1. There is no AMM on L1 so these parameters should not be used, otherwise the calculated transferId will be invalid the transfer will be unbondable.
Specify custom deadline
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// send 100 USDC tokens from Polygon -> Gnosis
const deadline = Math.floor(( / 1000) + (24 * 60 * 60)) // expire after one day
const tx = await bridge.send('100000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis, {
Note: the deadline will be 7 days if one is not specified. The deadline is required for L2->L1 transfers and L2->L2 transfers for the AMM swap at the origin chain. Additionally, destinationDeadline is also required for L2->L2 transfers to swap the hTokens for the canonical tokens at the destination.
Note: Do not set destinationDeadline and destinationAmountOutMin for L2->L1 since there is no L1 AMM at the destination.
Get approval address for sending over bridge
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
import { constants } from 'ethers'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// get address to approve for sending over Ethereum -> Polygon Hop bridge
const approvalAddress = await bridge.getSendApprovalAddress(Chain.Ethereum)
const token = bridge.getCanonicalToken(Chain.Ethereum)
const amountToApprove = constants.MaxUint256
const tx = await token.approve(approvalAddress, amountToApprove)
Get approval address for sending hTokens over bridge
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
import { constants } from 'ethers'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// get address to approve for sending over Ethereum -> Polygon Hop bridge
const isHToken = true
const approvalAddress = await bridge.getSendApprovalAddress(Chain.Ethereum, isHToken)
Get allowance for bridge approval address
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
import { constants } from 'ethers'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
const approvalAddress = await bridge.getSendApprovalAddress(Chain.Ethereum)
const token = bridge.getCanonicalToken(Chain.Ethereum)
const allowance = await token.allowance(approvalAddress)
Call this to estimate how many tokens the swap will provide (does not take account slippage or bonder fee):
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// estimate tokens amount out for 100 USDC
const amountOut = await bridge.getAmountOut('1000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
console.log(amountOut) // 998608
Estimate tokens that will be received at destination
Call this to estimate how you'll receive at the destination. This is what the UI uses to show user the estimated tokens amount out.
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// get estimated tokens out when sending 100 USDC Polygon -> Gnosis
const { estimatedReceived } = await bridge.getSendData('10000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
console.log(estimatedReceived.toString()) // 98866001
The estimatedReceived value takes account the bonder fee and destination transaction fee.
Estimate amountOutMin
Call this to estimate the minimum amount of tokens you should receive at the destination when including slippage.
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.bridge('USDC')
// get estimated min tokens out with slippage of 0.5% when sending 100 USDC Polygon -> Gnosis
const data = await bridge.getSendData('10000000', 'polygon', 'gnosis')
const { amountOut } = data
const slippage = 0.5
const amountOutMin = bridge.calcAmountOutMin(amountOut, slippage)
console.log(amountOutMin.toString()) // 9935445
Note: Do not set destinationAmountOutMin and destinationDeadline when sending to L1 because there's is no AMM on L1.
Estimate total bonder fee
The total bonder fee is bonderFee+ destinationTxFee
Make sure to use the total bonder fee when sending a transfer over the Hop bridge.
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// estimate total bonder fee for sending 100 UDSC Polygon -> Gnosis
const totalBonderFee = await bridge.getTotalFee('10000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
console.log(toalBonderFee.toString()) // 998239
The method bridge.getTotalFee(...) is a simple wrapper for const { totalFee } = await bridge.getSendData(...).
The following examples below are for retrieving the individual fees if you're interested in the breakdown of the total bonder fee.
Estimate base bonder fee:
The base bonder fee is the fee the bonder takes for fronting liquidity at the destination. The bonder receives this fee when bonding the transfer at the destination.
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// estimate base bonder fee for sending 100 UDSC Polygon -> Gnosis
const totalBonderFee = await bridge.getBonderFee('10000000', Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
console.log(toalBonderFee.toString()) // 1000000
Estimate bonder destination transaction fee:
The bonder destination transaction fee is the regular chain transaction fee that the bonder pays to get transaction included in block. The sender of the transfer must compensate the bonder for this fee which is why this fee exists. The destination transaction fee returned here is in terms of the asset being transferred.
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// estimate bonder destination tx fee for sending USDC Polygon -> Gnosis
const destinationTxFee = await bridge.getBonderFee(Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
console.log(destinationTxFee.toString()) // 772
The estimated amount out but without taking account slippage or fees. Use the value estimatedReceived if you're looking for the final estimated out amount which takes account fees.
The ratio between amountIn and amountOut
Price impact percentage. Depositing underpooled assets will give you bonus LP tokens. Depositing overpooled assets will give you less LP tokens (shown as negative price impact).
The amount of required liquidity the bonder must have in order for this transfer to go through. Use getFrontendAvailableLiquidity(...) to check total available liquidity before sending.
The AMM swap fees for amountIn
Small fee bonder takes for fronting liquidity at the destination when bonding transfer. There is a bonderFee going L2->L2 or L2->L1. There is no bonder fee going L1->L2.
The destination transaction fee that the bonder has to pay when bonding transfer. The sender pays this fee in terms of the token being sent.
The total fee consists of bonderFee + destinationTxFee. Use this totalFee value for the bonderFee parameter when sending transfer going L2->L2 or L2->L1.
The estimated amount that will be received at destination when slippage and all fees (bonderFee + destinationTxfee) are accounted for. This is what the UI displays.
The getSendData logic can viewed in github here if you would like to know how it works or implement in another language.
Get available liquidity for transfer
A transfer can only be bonded if the availale liquidity amount is greater than or equal to the transfer amount. The transfer bond at the destination may be delayed if it is sent when there is low or no available liquidity.
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
// get total available liquidity for Polygon -> Gnosis
const availableLiquidity = await bridge.getFrontendAvailableLiquidity(Chain.Polygon, Chain.Gnosis)
console.log(availableLiquidity.toString()) // 38142941773
Depositing underpooled assets will give you bonus LP tokens. Depositing overpooled assets will give you less LP tokens (shown as negative price impact).
Get transfer status
import { Hop } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.bridge('USDC')
const sourceTxHash = '0x198cf61a0dfa6d86e9b3b2b92a10df33acd8a4b722c8d670b8c94638d590d3c5180'
const status = await bridge.getTransferStatus(sourceTxHash)
"transferId": "0x198cf61a0dfa6d86e9b3b2b92a10df33acd8a4b722c8d670b8c94638d590d3c5180"
"sourceChainSlug": "ethereum",
"destinationChainSlug": "optimism",
"bonded": true
Watch for receipt events
import { Hop, Chain } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
const bridge = hop.connect(signer).bridge('USDC')
const tx = await bridge.send('1000000', Chain.Ethereum, Chain.Gnosis)
.watch(tx.hash, Token.USDC, Chain.Ethereum, Chain.Gnosis)
.on('receipt', data => {
const { receipt, chain } = data
console.log(receipt, chain)
Note: You can also utilize TheGraph for quering for transaction receipts at the destination. See Hop TheGraph docs.
Set custom provider RPC URLs
import { providers } from 'ethers'
import { Hop } from '@hop-protocol/sdk'
const hop = new Hop('mainnet')
ethereum: new providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(''),
polygon: new providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(''),
gnosis: new providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(''),
optimism: new providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(''),
arbitrum: new providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(''),
nova: new providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider(''),
base: new providers.StaticJsonRpcProvider('')
Withdraw an unbonded transfer at the destination
Get the populated withdraw transfer transaction data:
Note: A transfer can be withdrawn only after the transfer root has been set at the destination chain, which may take a few hours or days depending on the chain.