Note: The WithdrawalBonded event does not contain the recipient or the original sender, so a lookup using the transferId will need to be used on TransferSent (origin from L2) or TransferSentToL2 (origin from L1) to retrieve those values.
Cumulative volume
{ volumes { amount token }}
Manual calculation
The amount on transferSents (xdai, polygon, arbitrum, optimism) and transferSentToL2S (mainnet) entities can be added up to get overall tx volume on each chain.
⚠️ currently the TVL entities don't report fully accurate data because it's only using add/remove liquidity events instead of tracking transfer events. Use defillama to view accurate TVL.
Cumutative TVL
{ tvls { amount token }}
Cumulative AMM TVL
{ ammTvls { amount token }}
Cumulative AMM Fees
{ ammFees { amount token }}
Cumulative Bonder Fees
{ bonderFees { amount token }}
Manual calculation The bonder fee can be calculated by adding the bonderFee value from transferSents entities
Why are there multiple subgraphs? At the moment a subgraph with TheGraph can only be tied to one chain meaning it doesn't have the context or events from the other chains, hence the chain specific subgraph urls. Maybe in the future TheGraph will support multi-chain subgraphs.